Product Code : AG991016/15242 Availability : Low Stock Video : artglass AR99 Water White Art of Production.mp4 artglass AR99 Water White Hassle-Free Handling.mp4 artglass AR99 Water White there is Art in Clarity.mp4 artglass World Class Museum Standard for Your Home.mp4 |
AG991016/15242: Artglass UV 99 AR 99 Blue 1016mm x 1524mm (40"x60") x 2mm thick. 2 sheets (3.10m2) per pack. Artglass UV 99T is the highest performance anti-reflective glass with 99% UV protection. The "invisible" glass ensures neutral reflection colour and helps prevent the treasured keepsake from fading. Artglass UV 99T is your perfect choice for picture framing! This ArtglassT Product Has The Following Features And Benefits: . LESS THAN 1% LIGHT REFLECTION . CRISP IMAGE RESOLUTION . NO "ORANGE PEEL" SURFACE DISTORTION . 20% LIGHTER THAN SIMILAR PRODUCTS . 99% UV PROTECTION . NEUTRAL COLOR FROM ALL ANGLES . HELPS PREVENT FADING . MEETS ISO 18902 STANDARD. Technical Information: Reflection <1%; Transmission >97%; UV-Protection >99%; Thickness 2mm.